ny_hearts: les kickstarter
Creating a new piece of work is challenging. You work endless hours writing, planning, and raising money. The first two tasks are daunting enough, but then you ask people for support — whether you...
View Articlewhere’s the dough go? to a heckofa show called ny_hearts: les.
Inspired by Amanda Palmer’s blog today about where the hell all the money she’s raising on her Kickstarter will go ($801,825 as of this writing), I thought I’d break down my own NY_Hearts: LES budget...
View Articleny_hearts: les kickstarter ends in 24 hours
Almost a month ago, I announced my first new project in over a year, NY_Hearts: LES, an immersive, transmedia theatrical project, opening at The Brick Theater’s Game Play Festival in July. I also...
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